
Here you can download user's manuals, technical documentation and other documents such as brochures for our products. 

We have also a collection of Tutorial videos to help users understand and effectively use HAKI products or services.

Important information

HAKI's product liability and user's manuals apply only to designs containing components manufactured and supplied by HAKI. If components from HAKI are mixed with those of competitors, it is the user's responsibility to verify the assembly (which load class should apply) for the design. The component defined with the lowest capacity should be decisive in defining the structure's load class.


File Type Size Updated
HAKITEC 750 Trak Sheeting Manual (.pdf) 1049.8(KB) 9/13/2024
HAKITEC 750 Shelter system Manual (.pdf) 2857.4(KB)


HAKITEC 750 Trak Sheeting


Manual (.pdf)

Updated :



HAKITEC 750 Shelter system


Manual (.pdf)